Winnipeg Manitoba is often cited as the coldest city in the world, but despite the inhospitable climate I call this my home. I share my home with my wife and three cats, all of which I love and adore… and keep me warm.
I started my career in 2007 testing a myriad of devices for a contract manufacturer. Over the next several years I transitioned the test department from running on tribal knowledge and using home brew test equipment, to one with properly documented test procedures and precision test equipment, which allowed it to double in size several times during my tenure. Along the way I learned what makes a product manufacturable and what makes it a nightmare.
From there I transitioned to a junior designer role, the change from running a department to being the most junior was a little jarring, but actually designing products is where my passion lies. I quickly became frustrated at the processes we used and started advocating early for version control software and other tools/procedures to help us succeed. I quickly rose to be a senior designer, helping select tools, write procedures, develop best practices for our team, and mentoring juniors. I directly brought several dozen products to market over the next decade, and helped with several more.
In 2022 I decided to start my own company doing contract design.